I appologize that is has been almost two months since the last update here on the blog, but we have been extremely busy organizing and getting everything set up. The board has finalized and approved a Mission Statement and I am happy to share it with you in this post.
Please leave comments and let us know what you think.
Let it be known that on November 19, 2010, we the founding members of the National Dairy Producers Organization, Inc. do hereby resolve and proudly proclaim the purposes of the National Dairy Producers Organization, Inc. shall be to provide all necessary leadership, expertise management and voice of the U.S. dairy industry on behalf of the needs and financial interests of all U.S. dairy producers; we hereby commit all of our time, talents, and resources to ensure that U.S. dairy producers attain and maintain profitability now and in the future; we request equal resolve and commitment from every dairy producer in these United States, regardless of size or region, that we may achieve the goals as they are brought forward by the members of this board and members of this organization; and do hereby resolve that we as board members and members will always have and maintain a spirit of cooperation and resolve one with another that all may benefit from their own hard work, and the collective commitment to and association with each other and this organization.
As Membership is a trifle $80 I think the best item in this Mission statement for me is the "provide all necessary leadership, expertise management and voice of the U.S. Dairy producers;" Where else can we dairy farmers get that for just $80 per year?