Friday, October 29, 2010

Producer's Voices

As we talk to dairy farmers across the nation, they share with us their life stories and their feelings about how the dairy industry is run and what needs to be changed.  We love to hear their comments and concerns and truely value these people, what they do and the lifestyle they live.  They are some of the hardest working people in the country, and we are greatful for their work on their farms.  Below are a few quotes that we have received from some of the farmers we have talked to.  Please read them, take them to heart, and seriously think about what they have to say.  It just may change the way you view things and then push you to take action.

"My neighbor is a very hard-worker with a beautiful farm, he got his taxes done and he made $3.25 for the year."

"My dad always said 'Keep the farm, pay your least you will eat' I'm not so sure that is still true for everybody" (From a 73 year old woman born on the farm)

"I'm not so sure I want to be in the dairy business anymore" (From a small producer)

"It is worth a shot...It's kind of like the Tea Party of the Dairy Industry"

Please take the time to leave a comment with your thoughts and opinions.  Also, please feel free to email us your opinion about what is going on in the dairy industry and why you think the National Dairy Producers Organization is imperative to the dairy industry.  Please email us at

We look forward to hearing back from you.

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