Monday, February 21, 2011

Featuring Barbara Martin as "Dairy Goddess"

The art of Social Media is more popular now than it ever has been.  With things like Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, WordPress and Blogger, it is becoming easier and easier to spread news even faster than print media or word of mouth. 

There are a lot of people that are familiar with Barbara Martin, also known as the Dairy Goddess, and she has mastered the art of blogging.  Her and her husband are dairy farmers in Central California and she has recently expanded their operation with "Dairy Goddess, Farmstead Cheese".  Read her story on her operation, HERE.  She uses her blog, , as a way to " our industry with putting a 'face' on the farmer." 

Her most recent post is titled, "Dairy Goddess Asks, 'Are We Losing Our Nation’s Greatest Wealth'?" Her passion and incite is spot on, not only in the dairy industry, but in the agriculture industry as a whole. 

I have posted a link to her most recent post, but for those of you who enjoy 'following' other blogs, I would add "Dairy Goddess" to your list.  It's entertaining, informative and her passion for the agriculture industry is contagious.

Click on the image below to be taken to 
"Dairy Goddess Asks, 'Are We Losing Our Nation’s Greatest Wealth'?" 

Friday, February 18, 2011

NDPO Makes Television!

A huge thank you to Bill Rowell and W-CAX TV, Chanel 3 News, out of Burlington, VT for promoting the National Dairy Producers Organization Inc.  To my knowledge this is the organization's first television debut, and it seems to have gone very well. 

Click on the picture below to listen to what Bill Rowell has to say about the National Dairy Producers Organization Inc.  Post any comments or questions you may have.

Click on the picture to see what Bill Rowell had to say to Chanel 3 News

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Pennsylvania Meeting Schedule Feb 21-26, 2011

Here is a schedule of events for next week in Pennsylvania.  Tom, the executive director of National Dairy Producers Organizations Inc., has been on the East Coast since last Sunday.  He is covering Virginia and New York this week and will be in Pennsylvania next week.  If you are available, they would love to see all of you at the meetings in Pennsylvania next week. 

Click on the image to see it full size

Monday, February 14, 2011

First Annual Meeting-Tulare, CA

The first annual meeting of the National Dairy Producers Organization was a great success.  We met last week during World Ag Expo in Tulare, CA.  We were fortunate enough to be able to have all 13 board members join us for the meeting.  There was a formal meeting held on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Both of those meetings opening with an invocation and the flag salute.  Different board members went over the Contract with Producers and their was an open discussion afterwards.  On Thursday, guests were encouraged to mingle with the board members in order to get to know them and get any of their questions and concerns answered.  Below are some pictures of the week.

Bill Rowell speaking to the crowd

Gary Genske speaking to the crowd

Dave Fitch going over the contract

Paul Rozwadowski signing the "Contract with Producers"

Bill Rowell signing the contract

Gary Genske signing the contract

Doug Maddox signing the contract

 We wish all of you could have made it!  The next meeting will be held and World Dairy Expo, October 4-8, 2011